The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs below the waist on both sides of the spine on the back wall of the stomach. They are soft, reddish-brown color, and an average of 10 cm. length. 6 cm wide and 2.5 cm. thick at the center. They are filtering plants for purifying the blood, removing water and salts that is placed in the bladder as urine.
Kidney stones often cause pain in his attempt to pass the ureter on their way to the bladder. Pain is felt on one side, and then in the groin and thighs. Other symptoms of kidney stones are a desire to urinate frequently, painful urination, scanty urine, nausea, vomiting, chills, sweating, and shocks. The patient may also pass blood in the urine. Sometimes, large stones may remain in the kidneys without causing any problems and are known as silent stones.
The formation of kidney stones are the result of deficiencies in the general metabolism. They usually occur when the urine becomes highly concentrated due to heavy perspiration or insufficient intake of fluid. The aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. Other causes include poor diet, excessive intake of acidifying foods, white flour and sugar, meat, tea, coffee, spices and condiments, rich foods and overeating. Lack of vitamin A and excessive intake of vitamin B may also lead to stone formation.
Stone types
Chemically, urinary stones are of two categories, namely primary and secondary stones. primary stones are not usually due to infection and are formed in acidic urine. Usually result from alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle, constipation and excessive consumption of purine-rich or nitrogen. Secondary stones are due to local infection and are formed in alkaline urine. Most kidney stones are composed of either calcium oxalate or phosphate, the latter being more common in the presence of an infection. About 90 percent of all stones contain calcium as main component. More than half of them are mixtures of calcium, ammonium and magnesium, phosphates and carbonates, while others contain oxalate. Uric acid and cystine stones represent about four percent and one percent respectively of the total incidence of stones.
The majority of patients suffering from kidney stones can be successfully treated in a proper diet options. These provisions will also prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Only a few cases require surgery.
The patient should avoid foods which irritate the kidneys, to control acidity or alkalinity of urine and to ensure an adequate intake of fluids to prevent changes in concentration of urine. Foods considered to be irritating, and the kidneys are alcoholic beverages, condiments, pickles, certain vegetables like cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, watercress, and a strong aroma such as asparagus, onions, beans, cabbage and cauliflower, meat, gravies and carbonated waters.
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