Natural Cure For Sexual Impotence

Sex is now considered a basic instinct like hunger. Sexual activity, however, requires total concentration and relaxation. It can be done in haste and tension. People often tense and busy are unable to follow these rules. Many people, therefore, suffer from sexual dysfunction. The most common male sexual dysfunction is impotence or loss of sexual potency.


Impotence takes three forms. There is primary impotence When the man of erectile dysfunction is there from the start of sexual activity and he simply can not get an erection. This is a rare manifestation of the problem. Secondary impotence is the most common, which implies that man can normally attain an erection but fails on one or more times between normal activity. The third form is associated with age and is a continuous and serious form of poor prognosis.


Since an erection is the result of erotic excitement, intact nervous pathways and adequate hormonal functioning, pathological causes of impotence are numerous. It can be caused by mental illnesses such as depression, which reduces the sex drive and erectile function, tiredness, alcohol abuse, the therapeutic use of oestrogens, paralysis of parasympathetic nerves by drugs or permanent damage to them and diabetes. Other causes of impotence are abuse of the body over a long period and a devitalized condition of the system in general.

However, the main problem of secondary impotence is the apprehension created by failure that causes much anxiety for the next time on the probability of failure. If, indeed, relations try again and the results it fails, then a vicious circle is established. Anxiety of failure is established as an early reflection of what hinders the ability of the penis.


When a drug or a so-called "remedies" if the impotence is not only unnecessary but dangerous. Diet is an important factor in these circumstances. First, the patient should adopt an exclusive diet of fresh fruit five to seven days. In this therapy, you can have three meals a day, every five hours of fresh fruit juices such as grapes, oranges, apples, pears, peaches, pineapple and melon. Bowel should be cleansed daily during this period of warm water enema.

When all fruit diet, the patient may gradually start a balanced diet of seeds, nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruits, with generous use of special rejuvenative foods such as whey, milk the poor, especially in dairy goat millet, garlic, honey, cold pressed vegetable oils and brewer's yeast. The patient should avoid smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee and all processed foods, canned, refined and denatured, especially white sugar and white flour and products made from them.

Some foods are considered highly beneficial in the treatment of impotence. The most important is garlic. This is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac. According to Dr. Robinson, an eminent sexologist of the United States, garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac. It is a tonic for loss of sexual power from any cause and for sexual debility and impotence resulting from over-indulgence and nervous exhaustion. Onion is another important aphrodisiac food. Is second only to garlic. It increases libido and strengthens the reproductive organs. The white variety of onion, however, is more useful for this purpose.

Carrot is also considered useful in impotence. For best results, the carrot was half boiled egg dipped in a tablespoon of honey once daily for a month or two. This recipe increases sexual stamina and sex hormones release reinforces the sexual plexus. E 'for this reason, carrot halwa, prepared by Unani specifications is considered a very effective tonic to improve sexual stamina.

lady's finger is another great tonic for improving sexual vigor. It is mentioned in ancient Indian literature that people who take between five and 10 grams of root powder of this vegetable with milk and "never miss a day Misri sexual vigor.

Dried dates, known as chhuhara in the general population, is a very strengthening food. Crushed and mixed with almonds, pistachio nuts and quince seeds, it forms an effective way to increase sexual potency.

black grapes are also useful for restoration of sexual energy. They should be boiled with milk after washing them thoroughly with warm water. It will make them swollen and sweet. Eat raisins should be followed by milk. From 30 grams to travel with 200 ml. of milk, three times daily the amount of stress increased progressively to 50 grams each time.

A vigorous massage all over your body is very beneficial in the treatment of impotence, as it will revive the muscular strength which is essential for nervous energy. The nerves of the genital organs are controlled by the pelvic region. Therefore, a cold hip bath for 10 minutes in the morning or evening will be very effective.

Everything must be done to raise the overall level of health to the highest degree and fresh air and outdoor exercise are essential to successful treatment. Yogasanas Dhanurasana such, Sarvangasana Halasana and is also very beneficial. System for the treatment described above go a long way in restoring sexual vigor, but of course, results depend on the age and condition of the victim. long-standing cases will obviously not get such good treatment outcomes as cases relatively early, and young men will naturally tend to do better than older men. When the problem is of psychological origin, treatment should be exactly the same, but in these cases advice from a qualified psychotherapist would be desirable. The patient also requires gentle handling by a willing partner.

Natural Treatment For Piles

Piles or haemorrhoids are among the most common ailments today, especially in the western world. They are a varicose and often inflamed condition of the veins inside or outside the rectum. In external piles, there are a lot of pain but not bleeding much. In the case of internal piles there is discharge of dark blood. In some cases the veins burst and this results in what is known as bleeding piles.

Pain during bowel movements, slight bleeding in case of internal problems and a feeling of pain and irritation after passing a stool are the usual symptoms of piles. The patient can not sit comfortably due to itching, discomfort and pain in the rectal area.

The main cause of piles is chronic constipation and other intestinal diseases. The pressure to pass a stool to evacuate constipated bowls and the congestion caused by constipation lead to piles. The use of purgatives to relieve constipation because of their irritation and weaken the effect inside the rectum, also result in enlargement and inflammation of veins and bleeding in the mucosa. Piles are more common during pregnancy and in conditions affecting the liver and small intestine. Long periods of standing or sitting, strenuous work, obesity and general weakness in the tissues of the body are the other contributory causes of piles.

Mental stress is also one of the main reasons harmorrioids. People who are in a hurry often strain passing stools. They run through defecation instead of the casual affair. The pressure caused by the anal muscles affect the surrounding tissues. More rectal pressure and consequent venous congestion will ultimately lead to hemorrhoids. It is probably a hereditary factor also involved in the development of the poles.

Treatment of the cause of chronic constipation, is the only way to get rid of problems. First of all, the whole digestive tract must be given complete rest for a few days and the intestines clean. To this end, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for at least seven days. When all-fruit diet, the patient can give a natural diet, aimed at securing soft stools.

The most important food resource for piles is dry figs. Three or four digits should be soaked in water overnight after being thoroughly cleaned with hot water. They should be taken first thing in the morning with water soaked. Should also be taken at night in a similar manner. This treatment should continue for three or four weeks. The small seeds of the fruit possess an excellent quality of stimulating bowel movements peristalic. This facilitates easy evacuation of faeces and keeps the alimentary canal clean.

After releasing pressure on the anus, haemorrhoids also get contracts. Mango seeds are an effective medicine bleeding hemorrhoids. Seeds collected in the mango season, dried in the shade and powdered and kept stored for use in medicine. Doses should be about an hour and a half gram to two grams with or without honey. Jambul fruit is another effective food remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids. Fruits should be taken with salt every morning for two or three months after the season. The use of fruit in this way each season will make a radical treatment, bleeding hemorrhoids, and save the user throughout his life.

White radish is considered highly valuable in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Grated radish mixed with honey can be taken in this state. This vegetable can also take the form of juice mixed with a pinch of salt. It should be administered in doses of 60 to 90 ml. morning and evening. white radish and ground into a paste in milk can also be beneficial applied over the swelling pile masses to relieve pain and swelling.

The patient should drink atleast six to eight glasses of water a day. He should avoid straining to stool. Cold water treatment helps the veins to shrink and tones of its walls. Treatment is by sitting in a bathtub filled with cold water for two minutes with knees drawn up to chin. The water level should cover the hips. This should be done twice a day. Other water treatment beneficial in curing piles include cold perennial shower and cold compresses applied to the rectal area for an hour before bedtime.

A patient with piles must make every effort to tone your entire system. Exercise plays an important corrective role in this state. Movements exercise the abdominal muscles to improve circulation in the rectal region and relieve the pressure. Outdoor exercises like walking and swimming are good ways to build overall health. Kriya Yoga as jalneti and vamandhouti and asanas as Sarvangasana, Viparis Karani, Halasana, Gomukhasana is also useful. Sarvangasana is particularly beneficial as it drains stagnant blood from the anus.

Natural Treatment For Obesity

Obesity can be described as a physical condition characterized by excessive deposition or storage of fat in adipose tissue. It is usually caused by consuming food beyond the physiological needs. Obesity is common among people in Western countries and among higher income groups in India and other developing countries.

Obesity can occur at any age in both sexes. Its frequency is higher inPerson who consume more food and lead sedentary leaves. Among women, obesity can occur after pregnancy and menopause. A woman usually wins around 12 kg. weight during pregnancy. This is in part an increase in adipose tissue, which serves as grocers cons applications. Many women gain more and retain part of this weight. They become progressively obese with each subsequent child.

Obesity is a serious health problem that excess fat puts pressure on the heart, kidneys and liver and large weight-bearing joints such as hips, knees and ankles, which ultimately reduces life duration. It has been truly said, "on the belt, the cost of living." Overweight people are more susceptible to diseases such as coronary thrombosis, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, gout and liver and gallbladder disorders bladder.

The main cause of obesity, most often, is overeating - that is, the consumption of calories beyond the body's energy needs. Some people are used to overeat, while others may be accustomed to eating foods high in calories. These people gain weight continuously as they do not adjust their appetite to reduce energy needs. Recently there has been an increased awareness of the psychological aspects of obesity. People are usually bored, sad, lonely or unloved, those who are dissatisfied with their family, social or financial position usually tend to overeat in eating is a pleasure and a comfort to them. Obesity is also sometimes the result of thyroid or pituitary gland. But glandular disorders account for only two percent of the total incidence of obesity. In these individuals, the basal metabolic rate is low and still gain weight if they have a diet low in calories.

An appropriate course of treatment planned diet, together with proper exercise and other measures to promote the abolition is the only scientific way to manage obesity. The main consideration in this treatment must be balanced selection of foods that provide essential nutrients to the maximum with the minimum of calories. Initially, the patient must make a juice fasting for seven to ten days. Lemon juice, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, cabbage, celery, can be taken in this period. Long juice fast as 40 days can also be implemented, but only under the direction and supervision of experts. Alternative, short juice fasts should be repeated at regular intervals of about two months, until the desired reduction in weight is achieved.

When the juice fast, the patient spends only four or five days, all fruit diet, taking three meals of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, pineapple and papaya. Later, he may gradually begin to lower-calorie, balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely: (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits, with particular attention to raw fruit, vegetables and fresh juices.

Foods that should be significantly reduced or completely avoid the foods high in fat such as butter, cheese, chocolate, cream, ice cream, fatty meats, fried foods and sauces, rich carbohydrate foods like bread, candy, cakes, cookies, cereals, pulses, potatoes, honey, sugar, syrup and rich desserts drinks as the source and all alcoholic beverages. One sure way to lose weight is practicising what is known as "Fletcherism. It was discovered in 1898 by Horace Fletcher of the United States. Fletlcher, 40, was considered an old man. He was 50 pounds overweight, contracted flu every six months and constantly complained of indigestion and fatigue. After careful study, who made important discoveries and prescribed standards "Fletcherism" which are:

1. Chew your food in liquid or milky pulp until it practically swallows itself.
2. Never eat until hungry.
3. Enjoy every bite or piece, savoring the taste until it is swallowed.
4. Do not eat when tired, angry, anxious, and at mealtime refuse to think or talk about unpleasant subjects.

Horace Fletcher followed these rules for five months. As a result, has lost over 60 pounds and felt better than he was 20. A weight reduction program based on Fletcherism works very well and deserves a trial.

Ingestion of honey is an excellent remedy for the house for obesity. Mobilizes more fat deposition in the body and put it into circulation which is used as energy and normal operation. You should start with a small number of about 10 grams in hot water. The dose may be increased gradually.

Fasting on water lime juice and honey is very beneficial in the treatment of obesity without loss of energy and appetite. In this form of treatment, one spoon of fresh honey mixed with juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water at regular intervals.

Another effective remedy against obesity is a diet juice lemon sole. The first day the patient should have nothing but plenty of water. On the second day of three lemons juice mixed with water in equal parts should be granted. A lemon should be increased every day until the juice of 12 lemons is consumed. Thus, the number of lemons should be decreased in the same order until three lemons are taken in a day. The patient may feel weak and hungry on the first two days, but after the condition has stabilized itself. Cabbage is considered an effective home remedy against obesity. Recent research has discovered in this vegetable a valuable content called tartroric acid, which inhibits the conversion of sugars and other carbohydrates into fat. Therefore, it is of great value in weight loss. A serving of cole slaw would be the easiest way to stay slim, easy way to diet.

With dietary treatment, the patient should adopt all other natural methods of reducing weight. Exercise is an important part of plan to reduce weight. Contributes to the use of the calories stored in body fat and relieves tension, besides toning the muscles of the body. Walking is the best exercise to begin, and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing and other outdoor sports.

Certain yogi asanas are highly beneficial. Not only are broken or redistribute the fat deposits and help slimming, but also to strengthen the weaknesses. Sarvangasana, halasana, Bhujangasana, shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, naukasana, Ardh-Matsyendrasana, Paschimottanasana, vajrasana, yogamudra Trikonasana and are recommended. These asanas work on the glands, improve circulation, strengthen the many weaknesses and induce deep breathing which helps to melt the excess fat gradually. kriyas as yoga and pranayama as kapalbhati jalneti kunjal and Bhastrika and are also useful to normalize body weight.

The patient should also adopt measures to bring to excessive sweating, such as sauna, steam bath and heavy massage. They help to reduce weight. Above all, obese persons should make every effort to avoid negative motions such as anxiety, fear, hostility and insecurity and develop a positive attitude towards life.

One hundred grams of cabbage only 27 kcal of energy, while the same quantity of wheat bread will produce about 240 calories. Cabbage is regarded as the maximum biological value with minimum calories. In addition, it gives a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Leucoderma - White Skin Treatment

Lecucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a painful skin condition. The word literally means "white skin". There is a gradual loss of pigment melanin in the skin layers, resulting in white spots. These patches ugly, especially in people with darker skin. The condition is not organic lesion. However, the major causes of psychological stress the patient who is more embarrassed than the victim of pain or discomfort. The condition thus, besides being a medical problem, is also a social stigma.

Leucoderma is a fairly common disorder and affects one percent or more of the world population. The incidence is slightly higher in India. The pain can occur at any age in both sexes in normal skin. However, it is more common among women than men. The areas most affected are the hands, neck, back and wrist in that order.

The problem usually starts with a small white spot and then develops into patches. These spots are light at first, but turns white over time due to loss of pigment. As spots enlarge, they merge together and eventually, as a very broad patch. In some cases, most of the skin of the body can be covered with white spots.

Many false beliefs are widespread on the causes of leucoderma. It is not caused by eating fish and drinking milk at the same time, as is generally believed because even vegetarians suffer from this disorder. combinations of other foods such as pumpkin and milk, onion and milk as possible causes for leucoderma also unfounded. Leucoderma not caused by microbes, and it is not because of bad blood. It is neither infectious or contagious. It can not be transmitted from one person to another through physical contact.

The main causes of concern are too leucoderma mental gastric disorders, chronic or acute liver failure such as jaundice, worms or other parasites in the digestive tract, diseases like typhoid which affect the way gastrointestinalm, defective perspiration mechanism and burns. Often the hormone secreting glands are involved in this disorder. Heredity is also a causal factor and 30 percent of patients have a family history of the disease.

In nature, the treatment is to cure leudoderma the adoption of constitutional measures to cleanse the system of accumulated toxins. This allows the healing power of the body to assert itself, and produce normal. Initially, the patient must make a juice fast for about a week. In this treatment, he or she should take fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water to 50: 50 basis points every two or three hours 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The bowel must be cleaned daily with the hot water during this period.

After the juice fast, the patient may adopt a restricted diet consisting of fresh fruit, raw vegetables or steamed vegetables and wholemeal bread or chapatis. Curd and milk may be added to the plan after a few days. The patient may thereafter gradually embark upon a well balanced diet of seeds, nuts and cereals, fruits and vegetables. The proportion of the diet should include raw food. Seeds and grains such as alfalfa, mung bean sprouts and soy canbe. This plan can be supplemented with cold-pressed vegetable oils, honey and yeast. Juice fasting may be repeated every two months. The patient should avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and all condiments and flavored dishes. He or she must also avoid sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice and pearled barley and tinned or bottled.

Home Remedies
Some home remedies have proven useful in the treatment of Leucoderma. The best known of such compensation for the use of psoralens seeds, which is known as babci in Hindi. The seeds must be full of juice, ginger or cow's urine for three days. Liquids must be renewed on a daily basis. The seeds should then be rubbed with hands to remove the skins, dried in the shade andpowdered. One gram of this powder should be taken every day with fresh milk for 40 days. Mon seeds should also apply to white spots.

babchi seeds, along with the tamarind seeds are also useful. equal amounts of both seeds should be soaked in water for three or four days. Then be shelled and dried in the shade. Should be applied to pulp and white spot for a week. If the application of this paste causes itching or white spots become red and oozing of fluid, must be stopped. If there is no itching or redness, babchi seeds must also be taken for 40 days.

Another useful remedy for Leucoderma is red clay found by the river or on the slopes. The clay should be mixed in ginger juice and applied on the white spots once a day. containedin copper clay seems to reduce skin pigmentation and ginger juice serves as a stimulant for milk, which helps increase blood flow to the points. The water stayed overnight in a copper vessel also helps.

A paste made from radish seeds is useful in the treatment of leucoderma. About 35 grams of these seeds should be powdered in vinegar and applied over the white spots. For best results seed should be finely ground, mixed with a little white arsenic and soaked in vinegar overnight. After two hours, when leaves appear, it must rub patches leucoderma.

The use of turmeric oil and mustard is also considered beneficial in the treatment of leucoderma. About 500 grams of turmeric should be ground and soaked in eight kilograms. water at night. It must be heated in the morning to one kg. water is left. It should then be strained and mixed with 500 grams of mustard oil. This mixture should be heated until the oil remains. It should be applied on white patches every morning and evening for few months.

How To Naturally Cure For Kidney Stones

The formation of stones in the urinary tract or kidney disease is fairly common. The stones are formed from chemicals normally found in urine as uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and oxalic acid. They can vary in texture from gravel, sand and gravel like obstructions the size of eggs. Stones may form and grow because the concentration of a particular substance in the urine exceeds its solubility. This disorder is more common in middle age, with men affected more often than women.

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs below the waist on both sides of the spine on the back wall of the stomach. They are soft, reddish-brown color, and an average of 10 cm. length. 6 cm wide and 2.5 cm. thick at the center. They are filtering plants for purifying the blood, removing water and salts that is placed in the bladder as urine.

Kidney stones often cause pain in his attempt to pass the ureter on their way to the bladder. Pain is felt on one side, and then in the groin and thighs. Other symptoms of kidney stones are a desire to urinate frequently, painful urination, scanty urine, nausea, vomiting, chills, sweating, and shocks. The patient may also pass blood in the urine. Sometimes, large stones may remain in the kidneys without causing any problems and are known as silent stones.

The formation of kidney stones are the result of deficiencies in the general metabolism. They usually occur when the urine becomes highly concentrated due to heavy perspiration or insufficient intake of fluid. The aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. Other causes include poor diet, excessive intake of acidifying foods, white flour and sugar, meat, tea, coffee, spices and condiments, rich foods and overeating. Lack of vitamin A and excessive intake of vitamin B may also lead to stone formation.

Stone types
Chemically, urinary stones are of two categories, namely primary and secondary stones. primary stones are not usually due to infection and are formed in acidic urine. Usually result from alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle, constipation and excessive consumption of purine-rich or nitrogen. Secondary stones are due to local infection and are formed in alkaline urine. Most kidney stones are composed of either calcium oxalate or phosphate, the latter being more common in the presence of an infection. About 90 percent of all stones contain calcium as main component. More than half of them are mixtures of calcium, ammonium and magnesium, phosphates and carbonates, while others contain oxalate. Uric acid and cystine stones represent about four percent and one percent respectively of the total incidence of stones.

The majority of patients suffering from kidney stones can be successfully treated in a proper diet options. These provisions will also prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Only a few cases require surgery.

The patient should avoid foods which irritate the kidneys, to control acidity or alkalinity of urine and to ensure an adequate intake of fluids to prevent changes in concentration of urine. Foods considered to be irritating, and the kidneys are alcoholic beverages, condiments, pickles, certain vegetables like cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, watercress, and a strong aroma such as asparagus, onions, beans, cabbage and cauliflower, meat, gravies and carbonated waters.