Detroit Regional Patent Office, 100 Job Search

U.S. Patent and Trade Office is opening its first satellite office in Detroit in the summer and will hire 100 patent examiners to help reduce the huge build applications for the agency.

Commerce, Gary Locke - whose department includes the Patent Office - Notification of Thursday evening, "said Detroit is the first of what could be a couple of satellite offices throughout the country.

The intention is to introduce them to hire more researchers and industry expertise, patent agents and patent applications, research institutes processed more quickly.

It is a backlog of about 710,000 patent applications, and check back often take up to three years.

"When a company, an inventor must wait three years for a determination of patent, it is very difficult to get investors," said Locke.

Because research and development activities conducted by the automotive industry, Michigan has more candidates than most other states, Governor Jennifer Granholm says that, with the State Congress, lobbied for office in Detroit.

Detroit has lost more than a dozen cities across the country for the seat. Site selection is underway, and Commerce Department officials hope to sign a lease in February, the hiring to begin in the spring.

In addition, about 100 patent examiners, the Office also support less and administrative staff.

"Select Michigan's first regional satellite office patent speaks of the wealth of technical talent and innovation in our state," said Senator Carl Levin, D-Mich. . U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich said: "It makes good sense" to Detroit for the office because of "cutting-edge research in areas such as agriculture, batteries and automotive" is in state.

Locke said a combination of factors - location, industry experience and proximity to research institutions - Detroit made the right decision. He said the Department of Commerce is to reduce the waiting time for a determination of one year.

David Kappos, undersecretary of commerce for intellectual property and director of the Patent Office said most of the recruitment is made from the Detroit area, and vacancies should be sent to the Agency's website - - - e the work site of the federal government - - early spring.

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